Stories are 22x more memorable than facts. But a story without a purpose is just noise
Selling isn’t just about what you say — it’s also about how you say it
To inspire your audience to action, you need to understand who they are and how to communicate with them. That’s where your Brand Story comes into play.
Your customers see more than 5,000 ads a day. Your Brand Story taps into human psychology to help you stand out from the crowd and connect with your audience. Remember, facts tell and stories sell.
Attract your ideal customers
Clarify who is and isn’t a great fit for your business, so you can spend your budget attracting the right people.
Stand out from the competition
Differentiate your business with unique, memorable messaging that highlights your strengths.
Increase your product value
Go beyond features and benefits to communicate the emotional value your customers need.
You complete a pre-workshop questionnaire that explores your audience, products, competition, values and more.
We dive into your answers on a 60-minute discovery call to clarify key elements of your Brand Story & messaging.
We host a 90-minute workshop where we use a proven process to define your ideal audience, position your product, identify your brand voice and distill your unique value.
You receive a finalized Brand Story document and an actionable plan to incorporate your Brand Story into your messaging strategy.